Projects in Progress
Street Lighting Project
The city of Rapid City determined our street lights are too old and damaged to be repaired. So with the help of the City, the Board Members of the WBNA are working to replace the outdated fixtures with newer options that are aesthetically in line with the historical aspect of our community and that provide efficient and safe lighting for our community. We are currently exploring options, evaluating the cost, environmental impact, and beautification they offer. There are 46 street lights needing to be replaced.
Adopt-a-Park with Wilson Park
In 2020, with City park resources spread thin, the WBNA stepped up to help by taking on the clean up of Wilson Park, taking donations to plant flowers, and even host live music in the park. The response was overwhelmingly positive and the Board is currently considering making this a more broad-reaching and longer term project.
In the late months of 2020 a series of fires broke out in the Boulevard area believed to be the work of a single arsonist. The WBNA board was deeply moved by the threat of more fires in our neighborhood and responded in a number of ways. First, WBNA worked directly with the Rapid City Police and Fire Departments to aid in their investigation. WBNA also coordinated a $3,500 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. Our members also passed out a flyer with relevant information to residents in the affected area. A suspect is in custody and we hope that spells the end of this episode in our neighborhood. But there was significant damage to structures in our neighborhood, particularly an artist's studio. WBNA is collecting donations to help residents affected by the fires.For more information, email or to donate to the reward fund, click here.
12th Street Reconstruction
The City of Rapid City recently awarded a bid to reconstruct 12th Street from West Main St to Fulton Street. You can find more information here.
Possible Future Initiatives
Neighborhood garage sale
Advocate for the rehabilitation of Wilson Elementary School
Snow removal along West Boulevard sidewalks
Block captains
Benches along West Boulevard
Community bulletin board and comment box
Sidewalk repair program
Neighborhood watch group
A welcome to the neighborhood for new residents
Promote social activities such as walking/running, playing games, mountain biking, backyard BBQ's, dog walking, babysitting co-op, landfill runs to dispose of junk and return with compost, have a need/meet a need forum
Past Projects
-Purchased and planted trees on West Boulevard to replace those lost to Dutch Elm Disease
-Helped purchase historic lights in the West Boulevard Neighborhood
-Provided financial support to Wilson Elementary School to help purchase new playground equipment